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To the Broken Hearted : Relieving Life’s Challenges


As long as things do not smear my dignity
or break my pride,
I will hold on!
As for the moment I am humiliated,
I let go in such a manner that there is
no holding back after that.
It has never happened that anything fell from me
and I bent down to pick it up;
especially, since my dignity has always been
greater than my heart;
and this is one of the qualities I admire
most about myself.

RM65.00 RM58.50

[MM] Ila Munkasarah Qulubuhim / الي المنكسرة قلوبهم


ما دامت الأشياءُ لا تخدش كرامتي ، و لا تكسر كبريائي ، فأنا أتمسك ! أما في اللحظة التي أًهان فيها ، فإني أُفلتُ إفلاتاً لا إمساكَ بعده ، و لم يحدث أبداً أن سقط مني شيٌ، ثم انحنيت لألتقطه ، 

لطالما كانت كرامتي أكبر من قلبي ، و هذه من أكثر الصفات التي تعجبني في نفسي !


Conditions of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH (Revised Edition)

5 ★
5 ★
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1 ★

The famous Taabi’i Wahb ibn Munabbih was once asked,

“Isn’t the statement of laa ilaaha ill-Allah the key to Paradise?” He answered, “Yes, but every key has ridges, the door will open for you. Yet if you do not have the right ridges the door will not open for you.”

That is, it is saying {while meeting} certain conditions. These conditions are what will differentiate the person who will benefit from his making of that statement from the one who will not benefit from that statement.

RM14.00 RM12.60

[GB] Minhah al Rabbaniyah fi Sharh al Arbain al Nawawiyah / المنحة الربانية في شرح الأربعين النووية


الأربعون في مباني الإسلام وقواعد الأحكام المعروفة بـ الأربعون النووية هي مؤلف يحتوي على أربعين حديثاً نبويا شريفا، وعلل النووي سبب جمعه للأربعين فقال
من العلماء من جمع الأربعين في أصول الدين، وبعضهم في الفروع وبعضهم في الجهاد، وبعضهم في الزهد وبعضهم في الخطب، وكلها مقاصد صالحة، رضي الله عن قاصديها. وقد رأيت جمع أربعين أهم من هذا كله، وهي أربعون حديثاً مشتملةً على جميع ذلك، وكل حديث منها قاعدة عظيمة من قواعد الدين، وقد وصفه العلماء بأنه مدار الإسلام عليه، أو يصف الإسلام أو ثلثه أو نحو ذلك.

RM75.00 RM67.50

Nafsies: A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Growth


This self-guided journal has been meticulously crafted to empower young Muslim girls in their journey of self-discovery. It invites them to explore their innermost thoughts, dreams, and passions, fostering their growth into the best version of their unapologetic selves.

RM45.00 RM40.50

[CB] Uhjiyyah Kabirah – Hayawanati fi Mazra’ah (Arabic)


كِتَابُ أُحْجِيَّةٍ مِنَ الكَرْتُونِ المُقَوَّى مُكَوَّنَةٍ مِنْ سِتِّ قِطَعٍ مُصَوَّرَةٍ عَلَى الوَجْهَيْنِ لِلاسْتِمْتَاعِ بِصُحْبَةِ حَيَواناتِ المَزْرَعَةِ مَعَ البَقَرَةِ النَّعْجَةِ الحِصانِ البَطْ، الدِّيكِ، وَالأَرْنَبَةِ فِي أَثْنَاءِ قَلْبِ الصَّفَحاتِ سَيَتَعَلَّمُ

طِفْلُكَ كَيْفِيَّةَ إِدارَةِ الْأُحْجِيَّةِ وَتَرْكيبها. كِتَابٌ لَعِبِيٌّ يَجْمَعُ بَيْنَ مُتْعَةِ الاكْتِشافِ وَالتَّسْلِيَةِ.


Zakah According to the Quran & Sunnah (Darussalam)


Zakah, the third Pillar of Islam, is probably the first Pillar of its economic system. It represents the first and most important mechanism to implement economic justice and to provide sustenance to the economically unfortunate, two issues for which Islam is especially sensitive. These two issues are the essence of this book. This book consists of all the main issues of Zakat (i-e, Zakah on Gold, Silver, Paper Money, Livestock, Fruits, Grains, Rented Land, Buried treasures, Minerals, Trade, Shares, Stocks, and Exploited Assets etc). The main objective of this work is to serve an easy and authentic reference to the reader.

RM46.00 RM36.80

Whisper to your Creator


Whisper to your Creator”a collection of thoughtful notes spanning the realms of the womb to this world and beyond, will take you on an exploration of self-reflection. The author of this book encourages readers to value the route chosen by our Creator, Allah SWT. Which world is the most important? Why do we need to organize our lives so carefully? In times of misfortune, sadness, and trouble, who should we turn to? The Quran, the human life guidebook, tackles these issues. This enlightening book emphasizes the short duration of our earthly existence, encouraging readers to appreciate each moment and seek Allah SWT’s blessings in whatever we do.

RM29.00 RM26.10

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